A piece of notebook paper
Sliding across the sidewalk
Making only slightly more noise
Than the rustling leaves
Keeping it company
On its aimless, wind-driven trek.
On the grass now
Doing lazy back flips,
Resting now and then
To whisper to the leaves.
It does not belong there
Among the lounging leaves
Speaking of summer spent –
This thing of man,
Harsh against the fading pastels,
The lingering echoes of festive Fall
Skittering along,
Nudging each other
Like unruly school children.
I pick it up to dispose of it properly.
In my hand now,
The paper soiled and scuffed,
Its war wounds trying to obscure
The delicate loops and curves
Of a message carefully written.
Reading the words
I am an interloper
In the heart-song of secret feelings
Committed to ink on paper.
Love tenderly expressed.
Hope and longing exposed,
Reaching out from words
Risking everything
By simply being penned.
In my hand,
The paper soiled and scuffed,
Love carelessly discarded
To be driven by the autumn breeze
That now speaks of winter coming
More than summer spent.
Gently I place this emblem of love lost
Back among the leaves
To be carried away
With the fading colors
With the fading colors
Devoid of life,
Driven by the mindless wind.